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Class Log 10/30

To begin class, Mat told us to write the usual information on our notecard, along with a question we have about Project 2. Then, Mat read the poem of the day, The Bat, by Ellen Bryant Voigt. The poem can be found at After Mat read the poem, Cat read her log from the last class aloud. Mat then asked if anyone had any questions related to the syllabus, or just general “housekeeping” questions. Next, Darian gave her non-traditional text presentation on a Youtube video called “I Fought for You” that can be found here at She then analyzed the text by discussing how it is atypical for its genre, the rhetorical appeal used in the video, and potential problems with the text. Cat then gave her non-traditional text presentation on a clip from Portlandia, found here at She then discussed the text, which can be found at her blog post here:

Olivia and Jessica then lead our discussion for the day. Olivia’s blog post on her class discussion can be found here: We discussed the podcast that we listened to at the beginning of the semester. Olivia chose this podcast because it discusses complications within certain peer reviewed journals and sources when doing research. In this podcast, Ben Tyrer had his research cross-checked. He found that much of his data was skewed, or misrepresented. She also discussed how she is struggling with making her research “flow” within her Project 2. “Consider the Lobster” is an example that Olivia discussed because it demonstrates research that flowed and fit in with the text. Mat asked us if we had found any surprising research for our Project 2. He then called on random students to tell the class about something new the person next to them found out about their community.

Next, Mat moved on to discuss Project 2 with us. He told us that we put our Annotated Bibliography at the end of Project 2. We also need to have a Works Cited included in our paper. The Works Cited page only includes the research that is included in your paper. Mat added that we are allowed to add sources and use them for our Works Cited. We do not need to add them to our Annotated Bibliography. Mat also discussed common issues with Project 2. He discussed how we should be included in our paper, but that it will differ in each person’s paper. Lack of specificity is another issue found in some of our papers. Evidence should back up the claims we make about our communities. Evidence can be anything from research we found or simply things we noticed.

Mat also asked us about the questions we wrote on our cards. Most people did not have questions after their conference, or their questions were answered in class. Our 1500-word draft is due the next class, November 1. We discussed if we should cancel class on November 1, or November 6. Mat told us that we will have a “little votey-poo” on what to do about class this week. Mat told us to email him with a description on the status of our working and final portfolio. We are also supposed to write a reflection on our conferences to include in our final portfolio. Mat decided to cancel class on Wednesday, November 1. He also said he will add 3 points to the final draft of any project we want if we turn in Project 2 by Wed., Nov 1. The new due date of Project 2 is due Friday, Nov. 3 at midnight.


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